Friday, May 15, 2015

Fast Food Health Risks

 How does fast food affect the nutritional lifestyle among kids? What are some of the long term diseases kids can have? 

Now that our world has been taken over the fast food nation, kids as young as two years old already eat bits and pieces of fast food once those teeth come growing in. But many don't understand that having kids become comfortable eating fast food on a daily can actually have a serious health effect to their diet.

SF Gate's article about health risks of fast food gives readers a clear picture of what is to come. (Link here: ) the articles explains hat if kids who continuously east fast food from a young age can eventually suffer from weight gain, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular conditions by regularly eating fast food can be a dangerous thing.

Weight gain and obesity is one of the top 10 killers among the U.S. With vast amounts of fast food we give our kids who knows what can happen to their diet as they grow. Type 2 diabetes can happen in fast food eating becomes a serious habit. But cardiovascular complications and conditions is most important to watch out for. Fast food restaurants are 2.62 times more likely to have extremely high levels of hospitalization for coronary problems. But those who rely on a fast food diet full of fats, oil and sugar have an increased chance of death.

Low nutritional values is what ultimately causes a variety of health problems.not only can fast food affect a child's body physically but also mentally. More kids who eat fasts foods can gain weight faster, which leads to a decrease in self esteem causing them to become very lazy. It is wise to keep our children away from fast foods, but we all know how hard it is to stay away so think of a schedule. Home cooked meals are much healthier for our bodies than the ones we buy at restaurants. If a child is to eat fast food it should be at least 2-3 times a week at most. Explain to your kids while they are still young to watch their eating habits, we don't want our next coming generation to have any of these health problems! 

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